Your Virtual Classroom, Reimagined

Empower Tutors, Delight Students, Streamline Operations
Endorsed by leaders
in tutoring
Trusted by educators from 2000+
organizations worldwide
Trusted in 129 countries.
10x faster lesson planning.
Loved by 3,000,000+ users.
33% higher student satisfaction.
HiLink Virtual Classroom
Interactive Whiteboard
Foster real-time collaboration with students while giving teachers full control
For 1-On-1 or Group Classes
No matter your class size or subject, enjoy unparalleled flexibility and adaptability for all your teaching needs.
Built-in Teaching Tools
Save time and make your classes more engaging by accessing all your teaching tools in one place
AI Transcription & Class Summary
Automatically capture and summarize key lesson points to create parent- and admin-facing communication
Class Dashboard & Analytics
Monitor performance, track progress, and make data-driven decisions to improve your teaching strategies.
AI Teaching Tools
AI Lesson Planner
Cut lesson planning time by 75% when using HiLink AI to generate personalized lesson plans for your class
AI Slides Generator
Create captivating presentations in seconds, transforming ideas into class materials
AI Activity Generator
Increase student engagement by creating class activities based on your lesson
Your Partner in Delivering
Quality Online Tutoring
Embed the virtual classroom in your existing website using our versatile APIs
Educators across 129 countries
trust HiLink for their teaching needs.
Math Tutor

“HiLink has all the features I need for online teaching."

National Board Certified Elementary Teacher

“The platform has a modern, refreshing look. I was impressed by the home page which is simple and user-friendly."

Language Tutor

“Unlike other apps that require downloading beforehand, the web-based platform makes my tutoring more efficient by allowing me to start all classes with a single click."

Online English Teacher

“I like the reward system. It's super user-friendly from the get-go. You don't need a guide to use the tools. I also appreciate the timer, pool, dice, and lesson-planning tools. It's educator-focused and really useful."

Language Tutor

“The interface is user-friendly. I love the variety of teaching tools available and the ease of using them, which makes the virtual classroom experience engaging and seamless."

HiLink Through Educators’ Eyes
Success Stories from the Classroom